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WASHINGTON – Racism claimed another life Saturday – that of a 32-year-old woman who was on a street in Charlottesville, Va. taking a stand against hate. It is shameful enough that in 2017 we are still subjected to scenes in this country reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan marches of decades ago.

That white nationalist terrorism killed one person and maimed 19 others is not merely “sad,” as President Trump said on Twitter, it is despicable beyond words.

“The tragedy in Virginia was a critical opportunity, which President Trump ignored, to strongly and specifically condemn the white nationalists who see themselves as his foot soldiers,” said George Goehl and LeeAnn Hall, co-directors of People’s Action.

“There is no comparing the peace-seeking movement for equality and justice with the racists of the alt-right, and their cheers and jeers that are now oozing through the Internet. Trump and his enablers must own up to their responsibility in fanning the flames of hatred and division,” said Goehl and Hall. “Until Trump clearly condemns this racism, he is condoning it.”

People’s Action stands with the strong people of Virginia who refuse to allow white supremacists, their tactics and their violence, to rear up and return our country to the days of white nationalist terrorism.

People’s Action stands with the people of this country who envision a future that includes all of us. We demand leaders who expand opportunity and fight for an agenda based on human value. We demand leaders who eschew and condemn racist, hate-filled rhetoric and actions. We are certain that the people of this country want a future that includes all of us.

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About People’s Action Institute

Over five decades, People’s Action Institute and our affiliates have fought for reforms that recognize poor and working people’s dignity and make material and political improvements to millions of lives. Our victories include the Community Reinvestment Act, Superfund, the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act and the MAT Act.

We engage in issue campaigns, public education and training to advance a long-term agenda for racial, economic and gender justice. Our focus now is on deepening community organizing so we can build lasting power across the country. 

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