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Contact: Johanna Kichton, 202.660.0605, press@peoplesaction.org 

WASHINGTON, D.C.Student Action released the following statements from Program Director Adiel Pollydore and Iowa Student Action Lead Organizer Denise Cheeseman on the resolution introduced in Congress last week that calls on President Biden to forgive $50,000 of federal student loan debt per borrower through executive action:

“We applaud champions in Congress like Senator Warren and Reps. Omar and Pressley who are working alongside us to push President Biden to cancel debt,” Student Action Program Director Adiel Pollydore said. “Though we have come far from his campaign promise, this should be the floor, not the ceiling. We look forward to Biden heeding these calls and taking bold action to create our vision of making college a financial reality for anyone who wants to attend.”

“Cancelling my debt will help me now, but it won’t help another student in 10 years,” Iowa Student Action Lead Organizer Denise Cheeseman said. “Debt doesn’t accrue in a vacuum, and bandage fixes won’t solve structural problems. That’s why we need to cancel all student debt and ensure everyone can go to college for free.” 


Student Action, a branch of People’s Action, utilizes direct action, electoral work, and narrative building and storytelling to push our elected officials to fully fund higher education. We also demand that fully funded and free higher education be accessible to all students, including undocumented and formerly incarcerated students.

Press Contact
Johanna Kichton

(202) 660-0605

About People’s Action Institute

Over five decades, People’s Action Institute and our affiliates have fought for reforms that recognize poor and working people’s dignity and make material and political improvements to millions of lives. Our victories include the Community Reinvestment Act, Superfund, the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act and the MAT Act.

We engage in issue campaigns, public education and training to advance a long-term agenda for racial, economic and gender justice. Our focus now is on deepening community organizing so we can build lasting power across the country. 

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