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WASHINGTON – More than 500 resistance assemblies will be held nationwide Sunday with tens of thousands of people coming together in libraries, community centers, living rooms, churches and coffee shops to organize and plan resistance to President-elect Donald Trump, his agenda and his toxic cabinet nominees.

The assemblies coincide with the national day of action for health care and rallies called for by Senators Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on Sunday. People’s Action groups throughout the country are also organizing and participating in those rallies.

The resistance assemblies are coordinated by People’s Action, MoveOn.org Civic Action, and the Working Families Party, but are planned and hosted by local organizations and individuals driven to take action to resist the threats of the incoming administration.

While more than 500 organizers have registered their meetings at MoveOn for Sunday, hundreds more are being held in the coming days and weeks as well. Supporters can sign up to attend a resistance assembly in their community atMoveOn.org. Gatherings are removed from the listing when they reach capacity.

Trump has galvanized unprecedented new energy for activism and people are looking for ways to get involved.

“People and democracy are the real power in this country,” said LeeAnn Hall, co-director of People’s Action. “By standing together for what is right – we can resist all that is wrong with the Trump administration. Start by resisting his agenda in your own community.”

While most of the resistance assemblies are intentionally small, some in Philadelphia, New York, and California are expecting more than 100 participants. A Pennsylvania gathering on Saturday is expecting more 200 people, and more than 100 people are expected at two other meetings Sunday.

“This weekend’s meetings are a crucial place for thousands of MoveOn members and progressive activists to plan how we’ll keep our communities safe, defend our values, and resist the new administration – including by organizing immediate opposition to Trump’s dangerous cabinet appointments and urging Democrats to fight harder,” said Victoria Kaplan, organizing director for MoveOn.org.

“No one really knows what will happen after January 20, but we do know that we have to be prepared to form a strong, united line of resistance in order to protect the communities most affected by Trump’s agenda, fight against policies that will benefit billionaires and bankrupt the rest of us, hold on to progressive victories – such as Obamacare – and defend our democracy,” Kaplan said.

These meetings are the first step toward building a sustained opposition at the local level to the Trump presidency. The building momentum will be reflected in elected officials more strongly opposing Trump, and in support for challengers to elected officials in the months ahead.

“What we are seeing now could be the start of an unprecedented grassroots democracy revival,” said Joe Dinkin, national communications director, Working Families Party.

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People’s Action is a national organization of more than a million people across 30 states working for economic, racial, gender and climate justice – and to ensure everyone a voice in our political system. From family farms to big cities, from coast to coast, we’re fighting for community over greed, justice over racism, and people and planet over big corporations.

MoveOn.org Civic Action is a community of more than 8 million Americans from all walks of life who are using innovative technology to lead, participate in, and win campaigns for progressive change.

Working Families Party is a progressive political organization fighting to win policies that improve the lives of working families across the nation and electing the next generation of progressive leaders.


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About People’s Action Institute

Over five decades, People’s Action Institute and our affiliates have fought for reforms that recognize poor and working people’s dignity and make material and political improvements to millions of lives. Our victories include the Community Reinvestment Act, Superfund, the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act and the MAT Act.

We engage in issue campaigns, public education and training to advance a long-term agenda for racial, economic and gender justice. Our focus now is on deepening community organizing so we can build lasting power across the country. 

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