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WASHINGTON, D.C.–People’s Action released the following statement by Executive Director Sulma Arias in response to remarks from Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., stating he would oppose taxes on corporations or climate provisions in new legislation:

“Millions of people poured their blood, sweat, and tears into the effort to take our country back from Trump and the corporations behind him. We did this because we want a country where we take care of each other and everyone from every race and background can get what they need to thrive. That vision includes climate justice for our communities. And we knew we could not get there while corporations and white nationalists had our government by the throat. 

“Now, using Senator Manchin as a mouthpiece, fossil fuel companies and corporate CEOs are saying that they should be exempt from the demands of the people who put Democrats into office. That’s unacceptable. And it’s clear Manchin will continue to go back and forth, playing politics rather than addressing what people need. 

“Our response must be to organize with new intensity and discipline and build a base so powerful that no one senator, no matter their party affiliation, can stand in the way of our people getting what they need.”

“In the meantime, President Biden must use every tool at his disposal to curb carbon emissions.” 


People’s Action builds the power of poor and working people in urban, rural, and suburban areas to win change through issue fights and elections. We are a national network of 38 state and local grassroots power-building organizations in 28 states–united in the work of building a bigger “we.”

Press Contact
Derrick Crowe

(512) 516-5067

About People’s Action Institute

Over five decades, People’s Action Institute and our affiliates have fought for reforms that recognize poor and working people’s dignity and make material and political improvements to millions of lives. Our victories include the Community Reinvestment Act, Superfund, the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act and the MAT Act.

We engage in issue campaigns, public education and training to advance a long-term agenda for racial, economic and gender justice. Our focus now is on deepening community organizing so we can build lasting power across the country. 

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