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Contact: Johanna Kichton, 202.660.0605,

WASHINGTON, D.C.People’s Action Deputy Director Bree Carlson today issued the following statement on the first presidential debate:

“This debate was a national disgrace. Trump refused to denounce white supremacists and fascists when given the opportunity, spewed lies about the integrity of our elections, and wasted the time of everyone who watched. He’s the worst president in American history and we must defeat him in November.”

About People’s Action

People’s Action is a national network of 36 state and local grassroots, power-building organizations united in fighting for justice. We operate the largest progressive rural organizing project in the country

People’s Action and its member organizations are coordinating one of the biggest distributed organizing programs in rural areas this election season. Together, they have called and texted over 11 million voters in the key battleground states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, and New Hampshire thus far this election cycle. Of the total, about 2.3 million were phone calls and 8.7 million were texts, with a majority of attempts being deep canvass conversations

By November 3rd, People’s Action and its member organizations expect to double these numbers to meet its ambitious goal of 5 million phone calls and 16 million texts, totalling a record-breaking 21 million voter contact attempts.


Press Contact
Johanna Kichton

(202) 660-0605

About People’s Action Institute

Over five decades, People’s Action Institute and our affiliates have fought for reforms that recognize poor and working people’s dignity and make material and political improvements to millions of lives. Our victories include the Community Reinvestment Act, Superfund, the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act and the MAT Act.

We engage in issue campaigns, public education and training to advance a long-term agenda for racial, economic and gender justice. Our focus now is on deepening community organizing so we can build lasting power across the country. 

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