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For Planning Purposes Only
May 12, 2020
Contact: Derrick Crowe, d.crowe@peoplesaction.org, 512.516.5067

NATIONWIDE–As House Democrats finalize their HEROES Act, the latest legislation intended to provide relief during the COVID19 crisis, they must include provisions to cancel rent and mortgage payments for the duration of the crisis instead of providing one-time rental assistance. People’s Action’s Tara Raghuveer will lead an online press conference on Tuesday to describe why rent cancellation is required to provide the needed relief and what distinguishes it from rental assistance. Raghuveer will be joined by renters in People’s Action’s national network to describe the hardship created by this economic crisis and their desire for Congress to cancel rent. 

Who: Tara Raghuveer, People’s Action’s Homes Guarantee Campaign Director;  Tiana Caldwell, KC Tenants; Rose Fernandez, Community Voices Heard; Thomas Silverstein, The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

What:  Zoom press call on the need to cancel rent during COVID19 crisis

WhenThursday, May 14, at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time. 

Where: Register in advance:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

Why: While some policymakers have proposed merely upping funding for traditional rental assistance, that approach would fail to meet the scale of the crisis. Instead of one-time rental assistance, Congress should cancel rent and mortgage payments for the duration of the crisis. H.R. 6515, introduced by U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., in the House, provides the best hope for renter relief during this crisis and should be included in the upcoming relief legislation being crafted in the House. 

For more information, visit https://homesguarantee.com


Press Contact
Derrick Crowe

(512) 516-5067

About People’s Action Institute

Over five decades, People’s Action Institute and our affiliates have fought for reforms that recognize poor and working people’s dignity and make material and political improvements to millions of lives. Our victories include the Community Reinvestment Act, Superfund, the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act and the MAT Act.

We engage in issue campaigns, public education and training to advance a long-term agenda for racial, economic and gender justice. Our focus now is on deepening community organizing so we can build lasting power across the country. 

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