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Member Organizations Held Congress to Account; Hosted Direct Actions Targeting Corporations; Pushed to Pass Build Back Better Before Infrastructure

Contact: Johanna Kichton, j.kichton@peoplesaction.org, 202.660.0605

WASHINGTON, D.C.—People’s Action celebrated its National Week of Action where member organizations around the country held rallies targeting corporate entities and the organizations that represent them who are sabotaging President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. The Week of Action coincided with the release of a report written jointly with Dēmos, Behind the Curtain: The Corporate Plot to Upend Democracy, that revealed the depths of corporate interference. Progressives are sticking to the deal previously made in which Congress agreed to pass the Build Back Better agenda before the bipartisan infrastructure bill, despite greedy corporations spending millions to tank major investments in care, climate, housing, health, and jobs.

Some of People’s Action’s grassroots member leaders took action on the following issues:


  • VOCAL-NY hosted a rally at JPMorgan Chase Headquarters in Manhattan targeting CEO Jamie Diamond to demand an end to corporate greed and the company’s attempt to sabotage democracy. 
  • The People’s Lobby, One Northside, and Jane Addams Senior Caucus in Chicago worked together to rally with 11 movement-aligned elected officials at the local, county, and state levels in front of Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Chicago headquarters.
  • Colorado People’s Alliance (COPA) brought together community organizers, leaders, and advocates, including SEIU, for a public demonstration outside an Amazon corporate office in downtown Denver.
  • Over three dozen members of Iowa Citizens For Community Improvement held a direct action and rally in the lobby of the Greater Des Moines Partnership.
  • West Virginia Citizen Action Group (WVCAG) hosted a rally outside American Electric Power’s (AEP) offices in Charleston. Last year AEP paid zero taxes and earned billions.


  • Hoosier Action in Indiana targeted Anthem/Blue Cross Blue Shield. Hoosier Action texted over 65,000 people pushing out a petition calling on Anthem to stop lobbying against the healthcare provisions of Build Back Better plan. 
  • United Vision For Idaho went to the state capitol to lift up the challenges of corporate money meddling in our democracy. They staged a “fat cat” laying on a mattress exploding with money being asked “How do you sleep at night?” as people with signs hammered on corporate greed. They also had a lobbyist with a money gun shooting at Uncle Sam. CBS 2: United Vision for Idaho organization plans rally at State Capital
  • Rights And Democracy in New Hampshire also targeted Anthem/Blue Cross Blue Shield with a live stream event.



  • MI United held a rally against the construction of a new Ajax asphalt production facility in Flint. Community groups have been keeping a steady drum beat against the site’s construction for some time, and this action is the latest in an attempt to demonstrate how communities like Flint are subject to criminal climate injustice.

The full text of the report may be found here. Statements from grassroots voices may be found here. Photos from the direct actions across the country may be found here.


People’s Action is a national network of 40 state and local grassroots, power-building organizations in 30 states, united in fighting for justice. We operate the largest progressive rural organizing project in the country. People’s Action and its member organizations coordinated one of the biggest distributed organizing programs in rural areas this past election season.

Press Contact
Johanna Kichton

(202) 660-0605

About People’s Action Institute

Over five decades, People’s Action Institute and our affiliates have fought for reforms that recognize poor and working people’s dignity and make material and political improvements to millions of lives. Our victories include the Community Reinvestment Act, Superfund, the Affordable Care Act, the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act and the MAT Act.

We engage in issue campaigns, public education and training to advance a long-term agenda for racial, economic and gender justice. Our focus now is on deepening community organizing so we can build lasting power across the country. 

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